Favco Appples


Favco USA Apples:
Favco USA is a registered LLC company in the United States.
Favco USA is being managed by Brian Sands and his team with our USA office located in the prime quality Apple, Pear and Cherry growing region in Wenatchee, Washington state.

Favco USA exclusively markets for a number of Apple growers in the US. We have pears and cherries available from this region as well.
Fruit is available from Favco USA for the US domestic market as well as export into Asia, India, Canada and Mexico.

Favco USA

We proudly do the marketing for the Strand Family around the globe.

Favco Strand Apples
Favco USA Apples

Left to right: Brian Sand – Favco, Roger, Jan and Betty Strand, Chris Deveney – Favco

Have an enquiry?

Mark Clarke

Phone: 07 3717 1506
Mobile: 0407 781 792
Email: markc@favcoqld.com.au